Reinhard Kühn, Dipl. –Soz. P (FH)

Reinhard Kühn, Dipl. -Soz. P (FH)


Über mich

Fränkisches Selbstverständnis

Ich bin „Franke“ mit Herz und Seele – offen, kommunikativ und zugleich heimatverbunden. Ein Mann – ein Wort! Das Wort und der Handschlag haben bei mir einen Wert. Ich freue mich über Kunden und Partner, die sich ähnlichen Werten verpflichtet fühlen.

Machen – einfach das Tun, was ansteht. Das ist meine Grundeinstellung!

Nach einer kaufmännischen Ausbildung im Großhandel für Handwerksbedarf, holte ich auf dem zweiten Bildungsweg mein Fachabitur nach und absolvierte ein sozialpädagogisches Studium an der Friedrich Ebert Universität in Bamberg. Schwerpunkt meines Studiums waren „Soziale Organisation und soziales Management“ für Non-Profit-Organisationen sowie das Fach Philosophie. Als Projektleiter und Koordinator in der beruflichen Weiterbildung habe ich danach lange Jahre Projekte erfolgreich geleitet und durchgeführt.

Meine Arbeitsfelder sind:

  • Projektmanagement
  • Gestaltung von Veränderungsprozesse in Organisationen
  • Moderation und Training von Projektgruppen

Meine besonderen Stärken

  • Komplexe Inhalte einfach und anschaulich machen
  • Strukturen in ein Projekt-Neuland legen
  • Kreatives und erlebnisorientiertes Arbeiten
  • Lebendige und motivierende Workshops

Persönliche Qualifikationen

Lebenslanges Lernen ist Teil meines professionellen Verständnisses. Daher habe ich mich u.a. in folgenden Themen weitergebildet:

  • Qualitätsmanagement-Fachkraft QMF-TÜV
  • Qualitätsmanagement-Beauftragter QMB-TÜV
  • IHK Fachkraft Projektmanagement
  • „Methoden im Projektmanagement“ ZWW
  • Erfolgreiches Prozessmanagement – Prozessanalysen durchführen, IHK
  • Fortbildung für Personalentscheider, BIB
  • Bestätigung, AEVO / Fortführen der Ausbildertätigkeit, IHK
  • Intensivtraining „Die Moderationsmethode / Technik
    des Moderierens“ bei Business Moderation MODERATIO
  • eTutoring – Weiterbildung für das Blended-Learning, BBZ

Folgende Kompetenzen können Sie von mir erwarten:

  • Einführung von Projektmanagement in unterschiedlichen Organisationen.
  • Qualifizierung von Projektleitern und –mitarbeitern in den Bereichen „Projektplanung“ und „Projektsteuerung“
  • Begleitung von Projekten vom Kick-off Workshop bis zur erfolgreichen Beendigung des Projekts
  • Systemische Perspektiven zum Thema Führung
  • Beratung von Führungskräften und Projektleitern
  • Change Management – Veränderungsbedarfe analysieren, Veränderungsprojekte initiieren und steuern

Es geht mir immer darum, ein inneres Verlangen auszudrücken, von dem ich denke, dass es andere auch bewegt: Ideen verwirklichen, sich auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren, Klarheit und Disziplin.

Ich lade Sie ein – machen Sie sich selbst ein Bild vom modernen Projektmanagement!


Herzlichst, Ihr Reinhard Kühn






27.234 thoughts on “Reinhard Kühn, Dipl. –Soz. P (FH)”

  1. Trump’s pressure on investigators prompted Rep.

    Zoe Lofgren, who sits on the House committee probing the insurrection, to warn that the ex-President had issued a „call to arms.“
    „Calling out for demonstrations if, you know, anything adverse, legally, happens to him, is pretty extraordinary. And I think it’s important to think through what message is being sent,“ the California Democrat told CNN’s Pamela Brown on Sunday.
    In yet another sign of Trump’s incessantly consuming inability to accept his election loss, he issued a statement that same evening slamming former Vice President Mike Pence for refusing his demands to overturn the result of the democratic election in 2020, and falsely claimed that the then-vice president had the power to do so.

  2. Trump’s pressure on investigators prompted Rep.

    Zoe Lofgren, who sits on the House committee probing the insurrection, to warn that the ex-President had issued a „call to arms.“
    „Calling out for demonstrations if, you know, anything adverse, legally, happens to him, is pretty extraordinary. And I think it’s important to think through what message is being sent,“ the California Democrat told CNN’s Pamela Brown on Sunday.
    In yet another sign of Trump’s incessantly consuming inability to accept his election loss, he issued a statement that same evening slamming former Vice President Mike Pence for refusing his demands to overturn the result of the democratic election in 2020, and falsely claimed that the then-vice president had the power to do so.

  3. Trump’s pressure on investigators prompted Rep.

    Zoe Lofgren, who sits on the House committee probing the insurrection, to warn that the ex-President had issued a „call to arms.“
    „Calling out for demonstrations if, you know, anything adverse, legally, happens to him, is pretty extraordinary. And I think it’s important to think through what message is being sent,“ the California Democrat told CNN’s Pamela Brown on Sunday.
    In yet another sign of Trump’s incessantly consuming inability to accept his election loss, he issued a statement that same evening slamming former Vice President Mike Pence for refusing his demands to overturn the result of the democratic election in 2020, and falsely claimed that the then-vice president had the power to do so.

  4. Trump’s pressure on investigators prompted Rep.

    Zoe Lofgren, who sits on the House committee probing the insurrection, to warn that the ex-President had issued a „call to arms.“
    „Calling out for demonstrations if, you know, anything adverse, legally, happens to him, is pretty extraordinary. And I think it’s important to think through what message is being sent,“ the California Democrat told CNN’s Pamela Brown on Sunday.
    In yet another sign of Trump’s incessantly consuming inability to accept his election loss, he issued a statement that same evening slamming former Vice President Mike Pence for refusing his demands to overturn the result of the democratic election in 2020, and falsely claimed that the then-vice president had the power to do so.

  5. Trump’s pressure on investigators prompted Rep.

    Zoe Lofgren, who sits on the House committee probing the insurrection, to warn that the ex-President had issued a „call to arms.“
    „Calling out for demonstrations if, you know, anything adverse, legally, happens to him, is pretty extraordinary. And I think it’s important to think through what message is being sent,“ the California Democrat told CNN’s Pamela Brown on Sunday.
    In yet another sign of Trump’s incessantly consuming inability to accept his election loss, he issued a statement that same evening slamming former Vice President Mike Pence for refusing his demands to overturn the result of the democratic election in 2020, and falsely claimed that the then-vice president had the power to do so.

  6. Trump’s pressure on investigators prompted Rep.

    Zoe Lofgren, who sits on the House committee probing the insurrection, to warn that the ex-President had issued a „call to arms.“
    „Calling out for demonstrations if, you know, anything adverse, legally, happens to him, is pretty extraordinary. And I think it’s important to think through what message is being sent,“ the California Democrat told CNN’s Pamela Brown on Sunday.
    In yet another sign of Trump’s incessantly consuming inability to accept his election loss, he issued a statement that same evening slamming former Vice President Mike Pence for refusing his demands to overturn the result of the democratic election in 2020, and falsely claimed that the then-vice president had the power to do so.

  7. Trump’s pressure on investigators prompted Rep.

    Zoe Lofgren, who sits on the House committee probing the insurrection, to warn that the ex-President had issued a „call to arms.“
    „Calling out for demonstrations if, you know, anything adverse, legally, happens to him, is pretty extraordinary. And I think it’s important to think through what message is being sent,“ the California Democrat told CNN’s Pamela Brown on Sunday.
    In yet another sign of Trump’s incessantly consuming inability to accept his election loss, he issued a statement that same evening slamming former Vice President Mike Pence for refusing his demands to overturn the result of the democratic election in 2020, and falsely claimed that the then-vice president had the power to do so.